Car Builders Stage 1 Sound Deadener is a vibration (sound) dampening mat. It consists of a butyl rubber noise absorption layer combined with an aluminium top layer. Car Builders butyl based Sound Deadener does not require heating, does not smell and will not go brittle over time, which are all qualities of old style tar or bitumen sound deadening materials.It's a pressure sensitive butyl rubber, which is inherently sticky eliminating the risk of an adhesive layer failing.
- Each box has 12 sheets, each sheet is 300x500mm and 2mm-2.2mm thick.
- Easy installation - just peel off the release liner and roll it on
- 100% waterproof - does not rot or deteriorate
- Cuts with scissors or a knife
- Reduces heat transfer
- Conforms and fuses easily to all types of sheet metal
- No odour
- Under carpets
- Roof skins
- Inside cavities
- 1/4 panels
- Doors
- Boots/trunks
- Firewalls
Colours: (product is exactly the same - only the print on the aluminium changes)
- Silver - Silver with black logo
- Black - Black with silver logo
- OEM Black - Plain black no logo
1. What does Sound Deadener do?
Sound Deadener absorbs vibrations and adds mass to panels. This process will make your car or van quieter as it will reduce the resonance of the panels, removing that tinny sound thin sheet metal panels have. This will reduce echo and make the inside of the vehicle a much more comfortable place.
2. What Sound Deadener is best?
Sound deadener is generally a misunderstood material. Normally the first stage of treating noise is referred to as ‘sound deadener’. This stage only really treats vibration in panels. It was often a bitumen-based product but more commonly consists of a butyl rubber with an aluminium top layer. Cheaper sound dampening sheets consist of a lower grade butyl, which is not as durable or resistant as those used by leading brands. Butyl sheets by themselves however, will not result in dampening droning or external noise that you may be more interested in treating. This will be treated more successfully with mass loaded vinyls. If you are aware of the type of sounds that are annoying, you will be able to treat them more successfully with targeted products. Please feel free to contact us to discuss this further for your vehicle (03 8777 0960).
3. What is sound dampening in vehicles?
This term is often confusing. In physics it means ‘restraining of vibratory motion, such as mechanical oscillations, noise, and alternating electric currents, by dissipation of energy. In a general sense ‘dampen’ means to ‘make less strong or intense’. There are 5 common elements to reducing sound; absorption, damping, decoupling, distance, and adding mass. Automotive structures limit the thickness of materials that can be used, but combinations of dampers, barriers, and absorbers are used to reduce sound. Surface damping materials such as butyl-based sound deadening sheets are very effective at reducing structure-borne noise.
4. Is Sound Deadening worth it?
Sound deadening is definitely worth it if you are in your vehicle a lot. It results in a significant reduction in decibels allowing you to hear passengers better, improve sound system quality and reduce the strain of noise pollution on the body.
5. Are bigger sound deadening sheets better?
As installers, we find that 500mm x 300mm are a good size to deal with when installing. The reality is that you will rarely have panels that have open, single sheet metal panels larger than that. Rather, more often, you will need to cut down sheets. We have had rolls in stock before, however it just results in more effort in cutting.
6. What can I use for sound deadening in a car?
Our Stage 1 Sound Deadener is the first layer you need to apply when sound deadening a car. We then have carpet underlays and other foam insulation that you can apply over the top to block sound and help insulate cold and heat.
7. Is your Sound Deadener bitumen?
No, the adhesive product is butyl based. This has an advantage over the bitumen, which dries out, cracks and lifts allowing water to get underneath it and cause rust. The butyl is a waterproof material ensuring that water cannot get between the Sound Deadener and the panel. Bitumen also has a strong odour, which the Sound Deadener does not.
8. Is there a difference in Sound Deadener colour variations?
No, the logo Sound Deadener (Silver or Black) and OEM versions are the same product simply with a different colour/print on the aluminium face. Some customers are after the OEM finish in areas where the Sound Deadener will be exposed and they would prefer not to have logoing.
9. Do I need to wipe the panel before applying Sound Deadener or underlay?
Yes, for a successful bond between the product and the panel; clean the panel with a white based spirit such as wax and grease remover or methylated spirits. Find our cleaner of choice here:
10. Does sound deadening need 100% coverage?
No, it is unnecessary to apply deadener to over-lapped metal sections, top hat, chassis sections etc as these areas do not resonate. Moderate amounts of deadener make a significant difference. Once the middle of a panel has been covered, the additional deadener covering the panel has diminishing results. To engineer a car, it takes some skill and technical analysis to pinpoint key areas that need sound deadening, auto manufacturers do this and save money by only covering key areas. In reality most people will cover everything as they do not mind spending a bit more to ensure they have achieved the desired results. Keep in mind that this is one stage in controlling sound in your vehicle and stage 2 is just as crucial.
11. Do I need to heat Sound Deadener when laying sheets?
No, it does not need a heat gun to be applied. The adhesive backing is butyl based not bitumen.
12. Should I lay Sound Deadening sheets in some sort of order?
If you are doing the whole interior, we recommend doing the roof first and then any vertical panels and wheel arches. Finish laying the floor pan last so that you are not standing all over the butyl you have laid on the floor.
13. Will this Stage 1 Sound Deadener stop all noise?
Keep in mind that this is one stage in controlling sound and targets noise that is derived from panel resonance. Stage 2 products target droning and other external noises.
Sound Deadener comes packaged in 1.8sq/m (20sq/ft) boxes, see below
- 12 sheets per box
- 2-2.2mm thick
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Sheet sizes is: 300mm x 500mm |
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All our colour options are the exact same sound deadener - same price, same size, same butyl rubber. It is only the colours that is printed on the top that changes. Silver - Silver with black logo
Black Butyl based core with silvery aluminium reinforced layer backed with white wax paper release liner.
2.0 - 2.2mm
3.2kg/p sm
Acoustic Loss Factor:
(ASTM method E756 @ 200Hz, Temperature range -10°C to +60°C)
0.08 to 0.41
Recommended Install Temperature:
-10°C to +60°C
Resistance Temperature Range:
-40°C to +149°C
Chemical Resistance:
Resistant to water and mineral oils
Adhesive Peel Strength:
65N/cm on cold steel
Product should be stored at room temperature for best application and should be stored horizontally in its package.
Sound deadening
Stage 1 Sound Deadener
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Stage 1 sound deadening and install kit
Sound deadening kit and install kit
Easy to use and works perfectly